In a medical emergency if you are incapacitated in any way, a paramedic, law enforcement officer, nurse, or doctor can scan your band and have everything they need to save your life without having to guess who you are, what medical conditions you have, what medications you are taking, etc. Eliminating guesswork can greatly increase your chance of getting treatment that doesn't conflict with things they had no way to know.
For anyone who participates in adventurous activities, My Alert Band can be a life saver.
Just some examples of people who may benefit from wearing our products include anyone involved in motorsports, skiing, hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain climbing, mountaineering and skydiving.
If you are caring for a child on the spectrum, or an elderly person who has some stage of cognitive decline (dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.) they may be prone to wander. What's worse is that when they get lost, they are often non-communicative or unable to help themselves get home. This band can be a life saver.
We can add a message at the top of their linked data that says something like:
"Hello, my name is Steve, and I have Alzheimer's (or autism or whatever). If you have found me wandering, please speak gently to me and contact the emergency contact below or law enforcement if I am in distress. If you find this band without me attached to it, please contact my emergency contact and/or law enforcement and let them know exactly where you found this band."
Are you going to a foreign country, or multiple foreign countries where English is not the primary language? We can translate the information on your band into most languages so that you and your loved ones can get the care you need even if there is a language barrier.
These bands can hold any data you like. If your business or organization would like to have either unique bands (each one different) or a number of bands that all have the same information either for security, advertising, special promotions, or even as part of a game or treasure hunt, please contact us with what you would like to do, and we can see if we can meet your needs and work out special pricing.